The Toulassis are full-time supported missionaries.  All their personal and ministry needs are met through the giving of generous and committed ministry partners.  As one of the Toulassi's ministry partners, you allow Boniface and Sarah to serve on the mission field full-time.

Give by Mail

Please make checks payable to:

WOM Memo: Toulassi #511

Mail to:

World Outreach Ministries • P.O. Box B • Marietta, GA • 30061


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    World Outreach Ministries Webpage

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[su_box title="Sponsor A Training"]training-pic

There will be 5 trainings in Togo & Benin in this fall. Each training averages 75 people so we plan to train 450 more people this year. The cost to train 1 person is $10 which include a SD card with the Jesus film & audio New Testament.
5 people is $50
10 people $100
20 people $200
The need for 1 Training is $750. Total need this fall is $4500. Designate your gift for "Trainings".

[su_button url="" style="ghost" background="#2a2a2a" color="#2a2a2a" size="6" center="yes" radius="0"]DONATE ONLINE[/su_button][/su_box]

[su_box title="Sponsor A Local Pastor"]sponsorpastor

Many pastors in Togo or Benin struggle financially to meet their basic needs. $50 a month will significantly help. You may give monthly or a one time special gift. Designate your gift for "Pastor".

[su_button url="" style="ghost" background="#2a2a2a" color="#2a2a2a" size="6" center="yes" radius="0"]DONATE ONLINE[/su_button][/su_box]

[su_box title="Sponsor a Church Planter & His Ministry"]

There are voodoo worshiping villages that need to hear the gospel, be discipled and have a church planted. We are targeting 6 voodoo villages in Togo in 2016-2017. Each church plant costs $530. The total need is $3180. Sponsor a church planter by giving monthly or giving a special gift. Designate your gift for "Church Planter."

[su_button url="" style="ghost" background="#2a2a2a" color="#2a2a2a" size="6" center="yes" radius="0"]DONATE ONLINE[/su_button][/su_box]

World Outreach Ministries is an affiliation of interdenominational missionaries and humanitarian workers who need a dependable home office. It was established more than 35 years ago by Jason Peebles in 1979. The missionaries they serve are from all types of church backgrounds and are involved in a variety of outreaches - evangelism, church planting, schools, medical clinics, aviation, translation work, children's shelters, leadership training, support roles, and so much more. God's kingdom needs all kinds of workers. Their heart is to serve missionaries who are on the "front-lines" and provide them with a dependable home office. They are serving over 400 missionary families who call World Outreach Ministries "their home office".